> 10 PRINT "Hello World"
  > 20 GOTO 10
  > RUN
  > Hello World
  > Hello World

Rotating distros on my daily driver

3 May 2024

I really want to get to know more distros, and I've been thinking a bit about how to go about this.

I found a retired Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Nano Gen 1 that I've had lying unused.
The idea I've had is that I'll now use this as my main computer, and switch distros every 3 months.


Finding empty columns in SQL Server tables

11 April 2023

Sometimes you have database tables with columns that have no values.

And you might want to hide these columns for users, but to check every row of every column in every table is time consuming. This script should help you.


How to keep using old and cheap hardware. Or how I bricked my QNAP and moved on to Debian

25 February 2022

Have had some time off from this site. Part 5-7 of my short series have to wait a bit longer

In the meantime, I'm going to tell you about when I was trying to put Debian on an old QNAP NAS I had lying around.

It not turn out as planned....


How I run this site - part 4 of 7 - Aspell

24 May 2021

The next step is spellchecking.

For this I use Aspell. Aspell is a Free and Open Source (FOSS) spell checker. If you run a Linux distro Aspell is most surely installed.


How I run this site - part 3 of 7 - Markdown

7 December 2020

Simple texfiles with basic formatting.


How I run this site - part 2 of 7 - GitHub

20 November 2020

I work from several different computers from different places.
It is always a challenge to know how to always work with the latest version of a file. How to keep everything up to date on all computers.
Additionally, you may want to save different versions of files for recordkeeping.


How I run this site - part 1 of 7 - philosophy

11 November 2020

My philosophy when it comes to this website is that here the content should be in focus, and not distracting graphics and cool effects.

I have observed in the last couple of years that more and more "text-only" websites are popping up.


So why GOTO 10?

2 November 2020

My first experience with computers goes back to 1983. For my birthday my parents gave me a Commodore 64.
I was hooked from the first day.
After playing games for a while I started looking into what else I could do with this magic box.